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The Many Benefits of Body Shaping with VelaShape

Body Shaping

VelaShape® is an exciting treatment option that can finally sculpt the body in a way that dieting and exercise alone cannot always do. This non-surgical option is perfect for the areas of the body that like to cling to stubborn pockets of fat. VelaShape is also highly effective at reducing cellulite, making it a popular body shaping treatment to have done in combination with others.

How Does VelaShape® Work?

Body shaping with VelaShape® happens thanks to radio frequency energy, infrared light, suction, and deep massage. The handpiece has rollers that allow it to glide over the targeted area. The radio frequency energy is used to break up the fat in the area. Once this has happened, your body can step in and begin naturally flushing it out. Both the heat and the suction will stimulate your body to begin producing new collagen. Healthy collagen is the key to healthy, firm skin.

People who have had VelaShape® body shaping treatments often report that it was very relaxing and felt like getting a massage. The number of treatment sessions and the length of each session is something that can be discussed at a consultation. Everyone’s needs are unique.

The Benefits of Body Shaping with VelaShape®

There are many reasons why this is such a popular treatment. Some of the highlights include:

  • It is non-surgical and requires no downtime
  • Many people enjoy how the treatment feels
  • You can see results in as few as 4 weeks
  • VelaShape® is effective at stimulating circulation in the treated area

Once you have had this treatment, you can expect to see the following things:

  • A reduction in body volume
  • A reduction in cellulite
  • Smoothing of the treated skin
  • Reduction of skin laxity
  • Circumferential reduction

Who Can Benefit from VelaShape® Treatments?

Those who are close to their body goals are considered ideal candidates for this treatment. It is great for those who are looking to target areas that are difficult to change with diet and exercise. This treatment is not considered a weight loss option, and the ideal candidate will have a BMI somewhere around the normal range.

Ready to learn more about VelaShape® at The Spa Boutique & Aesthetics of Trinity and what it can do for you? If so, our educated staff at our office in Trinity, FL are here to help. We are always happy to answer questions you may have. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for this body shaping treatment!

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